The Joshua Tree story tells of a young Robin Williams who receives a Tree Identifying book (one of those books that shows a picture of the tree and its description), when she looks through it she finds a very strange looking tree called the Joshua Tree. Convinced she had never seen such a tree before, she set out in search of the Joshua Tree. Lo and behold, in Robins own front yard stood the strange-looking Joshua Tree. Knowing what to look for, she walked her street and found that most every yard housed that tree. The moral of the story is this : Although you may not have noticed before, once you know what you're looking for, you will likely find it has been there the entire time. This story relates to the CRAP principles of Web Design in that once you know Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity are all key to designing a professional Web Page, you will be able to pick them out each in every page you visit. |